Improve Reporting Insights

Save Time and Improve Insights with Automated Classification Tagging

Learn how Automated Classification Tagging can improve the quality of data captured in the field, while saving time on execution.

There’s an age old saying that with any project a team ends up making sacrifices in one of three critical categories: time, quality of work, and cost. For example, if you want the job done quickly and well, it’s very likely the job will be more expensive. This is a challenge project leaders have been running up against for ages and when it comes to performing and acting on inspections, the same trade-offs are made over and over. 

Teams that are under a time crunch tend to either sacrifice the quality of the data captured in the field, or skip steps of inspections altogether. On the other hand, teams that spend a long time on their inspections find it increasingly costly to execute on these inspections and act on remediation steps without exceeding project estimates. 

The problem remains: how do we ensure our teams are providing deep and meaningful insights with their field data, without throwing working hours at the problem? 

At SBN, we believe it is possible to put the work in ahead of time and automate the process so users in the field capture richer data and drive more detailed reports as a part of their regular inspection process at no additional time cost. In fact, we built data tagging into the system so most of the set-up work is done for you.

Introducing Classifications

At their core, classifications are just a way to tag your data (which makes trend analysis really easy), but they’re also so much more than that. Since we know inspectors are often pressed for time, we designed classifications so they are a part of the natural workflow involved with executing an inspection. 

For example, you might want to do an analysis on all the safety issues which could involve electrical hazards, but you know it’s very easy for an inspector to forget to tag an issue as dealing with electrical wiring. With auto-tagging of classifications, you can set up your checklists so any exception related to wiring is automatically tagged upon creation, giving you a much wider pool of data to analyze as well as eliminating a lot of the human error that goes into creating an action item for follow-up. 

Additionally, we know inspectors in the field are always looking for ways to save time. One complaint we hear consistently is that inspectors hate having to type the same thing over and over. We introduced recommendations as pre-written text you can add for your inspector’s most common problems. Better yet, these recommendations can also be classified as relating to specific topics so that your data is automatically tagged and ready for detailed analysis..

Make trend analysis and reporting easier

Say your team inspects fire safety systems and it’s common for buildings to have shelving too close to their sprinklers. Instead of typing out the finding each time you come across it, your inspectors can use the pre-written text to note that the shelves need to be moved to a safe distance thus saving substantial time and helping drive consistency. They’ll also be enriching the data you get on the backend, as their recommendation text automatically adds a sprinkler safety tag to the exceptions they create allowing you to create automated dashboards and run reports that help you to quickly see where you are finding problems. 

This is just one of the ways we at SBN are innovating to find ways to enrich the quality of your reports while reducing the time it takes for inspectors in the field to perform their inspections. Streamlining the data capture and tagging process results in higher quality work, in a shorter amount of time, at less cost; effectively tackling the age old problem of time vs cost vs quality.

Contact us anytime to learn more.

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