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Creating your first asset

For instructions on finding your username click here

For instruction on resetting your password click here

After successfully logging in, click the Asset icon or navigate to the ‘Asset’ module underneath the app menu in the upper right-hand corner.

You will be taken to the Results > Asset tab where you can create an asset by taking the following steps:

  • Click the ‘Create’ button
  • Select either ‘Create Asset’ or ‘Create from Template’

<Note> Templates are asset profiles that contain common fields. When you create an asset from a template, all of the values on the template will copy to the asset and the asset will be linked to the template. So, for example, if you create an asset linked to a template of ABC Fire Extinguisher, the asset created from the template will inherit all of the values from the template. Further, updates to the template will reflect on the linked assets! So, by linking to a template, there is a central way to update assets without needing to update individual assets.

  • Enter asset data

<Note> Required fields are marked in red and must be completed in order to create an asset

  • Once all required fields have been answered, click the ‘Create’ button in order to create the asset.

That’s it!

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Simple But Needed enhances critical elements of your operations by leveraging mobile and web technologies to perform key activities such as tracking assets, performing inspections, and completing other safety and compliance requirements. Our solutions reduce risk, save time, and easily configure to meet existing operational needs. Save time. Do more. Keep it Simple